Ilford Islamic Centre is the largest and most famous Mosque in Redbridge and is now very well known not just in London but throughout the country. It has developed over the years into a centre which has become a focal point for the muslims of Redbridge, providing a variety of facilities to serve the community.
Situated in the heart of South Ilford and within close proximity to Ilford Town Centre, the Mosque is easily accessible by all forms of transport and this in turn results in large congregations especially during Jumah prayer time.
The Masjid has a large number of members who every three years engage in a transparent and thorough election process to elect a Management Committee – this consists of 11 members and they are responsible for making the decisions which effect the day to day running of the Mosque. You can see a list of all the services here.
The role of the mosque extends beyond that of providing for Jumah and the obligatory prayers. The IIC sits on many community and voluntary committees and has representation on the East London Three faiths Forum, Redbridge Racial Equality Council, Redbridge Council of Faiths, Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE), Redbridge Police Consultative Committee Group, Racist Incident Panel, Redbridge Voluntary Sector Network, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and Helping Hands.
For more detail on the history of Ilford Islamic Centre, click here.