We currently have around 350 children attending our Madrassah.
Children from the age of 5 can attend and is available for boys and girls, who are of course taught separately.
The Madrassah opens between 5pm and 7pm and caters for Hifz classes too.
We put great emphasis on safety and the success of our Madrassah. Our staff are all DBS (CRB) cleared and are continually being trained to improve their skills.
We have a HOME-MADRASSAH AGREEMENT which is designed to highlight our committment to your child and is designed to ensure that there is a three-way committment between the Madrassah, the Parents and the Student.
We also ask all students to commit to our BEHAVIOUR POLICY, which is vital to ensure that your child and all students are given the best opportunity to learn.
For enquiries and admissions, please contact us via email on ilford-islamic-centre@hotmail.co.uk, download our ADMISSION FORM or speak to the member of the Education Committee any day between 5pm and 7pm.